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Carbon Monoxide!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:33 pm
by RMS
Just a warning to those of you who use the gas ring to warm up your camper:
Whitby deaths

It's well worth considering fitting a carbon monoxide detector somewhere in your camper - I've got one in mine.
I've got a Diesel Eberspacher fitted, but I still use a gas ring to boil a kettle in the morning for a drink or at night for a hot water bottle while I'm getting ready for bed, and the alarm does very occasionally go off as a Carawagon has such a small volume :aaagh:

You can get detectors with digital count display (LIKE THIS ONE) which is useful to monitor, so you can open a window if the count starts climbing before the alarm goes off.

Be safe :tiphat:


Re: Carbon Monoxide!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:34 pm
by romanyrose
G'day Robin. yes i think that is a great idea in fact so simple i should have thought about it myself having had a few near misses waking up during the night thinking it was a massive hang over then looking in a mirror and noticing the colour of my face it was not nice.

AS you know it is classed as the silent killer so is easy worth having one fitted :wink: the good thing is the headache/hangover will not be there if you wake up during the night and fancy another :wine:

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .

Re: Carbon Monoxide!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:00 pm
by DanC
Already have one and a Gas detector as well.....