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Patience i have but

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:58 pm
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, as most people that know me i have been working on HEC my 88 at first to just get an MOT then the little jobs to have it running as i would like and that's not just the normal items people seem to struggle with which is brakes etc.

Now as i seem to remember i might have mentioned the journey home was far from what i have been used to with my trucks and to be honest i have not driven it off the estate since getting back from the MOT station so have now got stuck in as much as i can rectifying what i think might be the problem :shrug: .

After my hassle of loosing a bottom bearing from the steering box while fitting a thin shim to the box not realizing it was on the floor having dropped out :banghead: however that made little difference so having had enough of trying adjustment today i have dropped all the steering links off and starting from scratch :thud: .

Pre-loads OK on the swivels seemed ok the steering relay was a tad on the tight side but that's sorted not having moved in anger for a good few years and that's after a rebuild but then standing in one position does not help :whistle: so it's now down to the steering box which was also rebuilt by Martin and my lass with small fingers :wink: .

Turning the steering box on it's own is not smooth in fact it is so notchy it sounds like a bearing being crushed so now the wing will be coming off along with the column/steering box to do it again :shakehead: .

All i can say is it's a good job i have the patience of a saint and sorry to those who are waiting for me to pick items up.

Catch you later. R-Rose :cactus:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:26 pm
by gossamer
Stick with it, Brad.


Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:25 pm
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, although i am not sure yet and because it has been years since i have rebuilt a steering box and the one for HEC was built by Marty and my lass with small fingers so for the life of me i can't remember how one worked so i took a spare apart to refresh my memory.

The ball races top and bottom are small balls the balls that follow the screw that turns the steering are of the larger size and it was one of these i found on the floor after fitting a shim because of stiff steering how the larger ball escaped i will never know because the screw that holds the balls was central so my mind is still :stars: but that is all i can come up with till the sun rises in the morning :whistle:

At first light i will be out there :aaagh: to see if this problem i have got or created has done any damage to the ball race or screw on the shaft :cry: it makes me want to i can tell you but i must get some sleep so i can concentrate which is not an easy thing for me these days :embarassed:

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:18 pm
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, well it was not quite first light but by late morning i decided to take just the wing side off not just to make it easier but to shed some light on what i was doing and about to find :aaagh: and yep as i thought the inner race which is part of the shaft is pitted but also the bottom plate that is flat has a deep gouge in it along with bits of metal that was probably once a ball bearing :shrug: .
By this time i stunk of 90 oil that i hate and the thought did cross my mind to just fill it with grease bang the bearings back in and just use it but then reality crossed my mind and if a job is worth doing it is worth doing in a proper manner so everything was gathered up cleaned and put in separate tubes out of the way so i don't knock everything flying.
With my tools cleaned and tubs at the ready i thought about cracking on to take the wing off completely ready for the fitment of a recon box from Jonny [one of the navyboz] who now does this as a business :gold:
I am afraid like many who have abused there body over the years my Arthritic hands don't work like i want them to and have a mind of there own i have also seen these steering boxes when finished so HEC has a present coming tomorrow so when i go for a trundle it will be in a straight line and not all over the road like it was.
Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat:

PS has anyone got one of those old type scales that fishermen used to use for weighing there catch as i would like to purchase one please :bow:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:21 am
by Peaceand
Hi Brad,
Glad you have a plan to get it sorted! If anybody has the patience to do a fiddly job like that then you do - so you can be sure that you gave it the old box the best possible chance before putting a new box in.

Jonny will keep you and HEC on the straight and narrow!

What kind of range do you want the fish scale to be? The smaller ones are sometimes sold as luggage scales for weighing baggage before going on a flight. They go up to about 75lb by the looks of it.


Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:43 pm
by romanyrose
G'day Patrick, Chris and Pete came down to Martins new abode they then came over to me with a nice shiny steering box along with some parts for a breakdown truck that Pete had acquired on his travels for me and promptly got me out of bed :shakehead: but then it was nearly mid day :embarassed: .
The steering issue has really pushed me to my limit but i won't drive it till i am satisfied so after a brew with me standing by guiding him what i would like doing he cracked on and the inner wing was soon on the floor and steering box was out just like that :whistle: .
It was while taking off the drop arm i noticed the tab washer was not bent over and the nut was not as tight as it should have been so whether that was an issue of many i don't know but it would not have helped but this i find what happens when you either rush or stop halfway through a job which is normal for me :embarassed: but i have no choice sometimes.
Anyway after a bit of tucker Pete who is the younger of the navyboz finished off the inner wing which i am afraid is far from standard due to me running all my electrics through relays and that's including the ignition feed to the coil :laugh: .

The recon steering box now awaits fitment which i can tell you i am more than happy with so if you need one Jonny is your man as it works and feels just like a new one and coming from me that's saying something i can tell you because it is steering and someones life depends on it has to be spot on.

Yes i have made a few mistakes and i am first to hold my hand up that's why i asked for help but how the larger ball got on the floor when i only added a shim to the bottom and the the part that holds the larger balls in the screw of the shaft was half way up it's travel is a bit baffling but i am not happy with myself i can tell you and i mention it in case other owners do what i have done but don't notice :thud:

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:46 pm
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, well all good intentions were in my mind but having a series three bulkhead on HEC the 2a because that was all we had at the time just didn't work out and of course my little add on's were in the way if only temporary while work was being done they were tucked away having already putting a recon box in so i didn't expect things going wrong just yet.

If people reading this remember this truck was bought for my late father to tinker with as a rehabilitation after a stroke which he enjoyed immensely even though his sight was not good it gave him hope hence i didn't want to change it to much but safety factors on modern roads meant some things had to change which is always a longer job than starting from scratch but then i used it to move bless her.

Having scratched the fresh paint of the column it meant i had to take more of the steering supports off the chassis/bulkhead so tomorrow if all goes well it will be action at dawn :laugh: maybe for more cleaning painting unless i find something else :wink: .

Catch you later. R-Rose a tad frustrated but we will get there :tiphat:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:41 am
by romanyrose
G'day chaps, well i have to say everything is done regards getting the steering box ready for fitment after rubbing down the scratches i made to the column when first having a bash without moving the support from the chassis to the column.
Anyway i knew i had got a wire off the ignition switch from when the column was being extracted [series bulkhead remember] so while the paint was drying on all the bracketry of the column i connected the wires tidying them at the same time :thud: i am now confused as my electrics don't work as they did so i must have made a mistake :stars: .
Marty could not help in anyway and with me fitting relays to anything that needs a good bit of power to work it he walked away saying not a chance or words to that effect :laugh: .
Anyway a bit more refreshed in my mind and having put it down on here it sort of helps me cope and realize what i might have done wrong so sorry for the waffle but only i understand my complexed mind and the way it works which is pretty hard for me sometimes even though i have lived with it all my life :thud: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat:

Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:13 pm
by RMS
I must admit Brad, you don't let much get you down :cheers:

Whatever problems you find/make, you just sit down for a bit, have a cuppa, play on the computer, then go right back to it with things fresh in your mind.

Well done for persevering :bow:


Re: Patience i have but

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:53 pm
by romanyrose
G'day Robin, yes after a chat on here a brew or two then let my little dog take me for a wonder after which a sit down and another brew one step at a time i started but in the end it was a case of looking for my magnifying glass to see those numbers on the relay :shakehead: .
Half an hour later i found it in a safe place so i didn't break it so it was a case of draw a larger picture of the relay with terminals numbered for what goes where but then i had a phone call to say Jonny my helper was coming round :banghead: now i am not being nasty but give him some bricks to smash or pallets to take apart he is happy but other than that he talks rubbish or words to that effect bless him.
Anyway not one to give in i tried to carry on with the thought of burning daylight but in the end even after he had gone what concentration i had has gone leaving me :stars: not knowing which way to turn but my dog had the best idea which was to pack up and go and sit in the park with here so i could just relax.
It's now to dark to do anything outside and with my motor cycle and noddy car now parked in the garage there is no room for me to move around and sort so i have given up for today and seeking sanctuary on my computer :wink: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: